Recently, I have been hearing a lot about being a high-value woman and it has become a common topic of discussion amongst people of all ages. Since, so many people have been using this term commonly, somewhere I feel this term is wrongly used and abused making it loose its very essence.
Therefore, I feel I should step in to clearly show you my version of being a high-value woman which according to me is very important for all of us whether we are married or single.
Many people use the term high-value woman as someone who is very much worthy, respectful and has the power of attraction. While these factors could be a part of the concept, nevertheless it is just the tip of the iceberg I can say.
That is the reason I would like to throw some light on this concept to give more clarity.
The term High value is a concept that came up from the essence of ‘mate value.’ Mate value means the value in the eyes of your potential partner. One evening when my husband and I were having a discussion over a cup of tea about what it means to have a high value to men, we came up to this conclusion that by high value we actually trying to understand the ‘mate value’ of an individual that you need to project towards your potential mate.
What makes you a High-value woman? |
Of course, I agree that everything cannot be acted upon and followed as a rule in the book and there is something called natural which cannot be copied and adapted. However, it is never wrong to know the secret of attracting mates with your high-value potential to stand out from the entire crowd.
Above all, every woman likes to get attention and admiration from their loved ones.
So what actually high-value woman mean?
It means a woman having a good potential value in the eyes of her mating partners.
It means a woman having a good potential value in the eyes of her mating partners.
This concept is absolutely different from having self-confidence and respect, though they both are a very important part of high values. This is because what you feel inside and what others think of you can often be poles apart. It all depends on the way you project yourself.
This means that chances are there that even if you feel totally confident from the inside, you could be perceived as a low value to potential mating partners.
One most important thing that I feel it is very important to discuss here is the fact that being high value to men simply does not mean that you have won the battle. It is only halfway through, as you need to know that this high value is short-term or long-term value.
Short term high value means when your partner feels that you have a high value to him because of your physical appearance or attraction. It could be a short-term relationship or sex.
This is the very reason that a lot of women spend loads and loads of time on makeup and cosmetics (including myself!) and even opt for artificial beautifications and surgery. They all want to have high value for mates. Men, of course, get attracted to these women. But for the short term.
Does makeup really make you a high-value woman? |
Many women I have seen often get fallen for this kind of relationship thinking it as a long-lasting fulfilling relationship. Their hope and fantasy get shattered when the person away the very next day after they had sex.
So what actually we should be looking for to be a high-value woman to men in terms of a long-term relationship which is not very easy as men often stay away from commitments and responsibilities.
However, it must be admitted that exceptions could be there and we cannot generalize everyone. Every man and every woman is different and so is every relationship.
Nevertheless, there are certain general tips and tricks to be followed that can make you a high-value woman which is universally applicable across all men of various races and origins.
For your understanding, I have broken this concept into three basic stages or you can call them levels which are the key areas you need to work on in order to be a high-value woman to your man.
Stage 1:
Procreative and Luminous
Let’s start with stage 1 which is Procreative and luminous value. Now, to all you ladies who are over 45 and 50, please bear with me, just because I said procreative it does not necessarily mean that you have crossed this stage as you probably are in pre-menopause or post-menopause stage and you do not have procreative which is reproductive value.
Having procreative value means having the right attitude, zeal, enthusiasm, stamina, health, and spirit of life. It has more to do with being fit physically and mentally. There is no age for fitness and lively spirit.
Do you have the right attitude & spirit in life? |
Further fairness does not mean going to the gym daily or do rigorous exercise. Being fir means having good health and strength to have the energy to function with good spirit as opposed to being sick and weak to function.
Luminous means the right radiance in terms of spirit and actions. It is your posture, your body language, the way to walk, talk, move your body all gives the subtle signal to your health, fairness, and spirit and that needs to be positive and proactive.
Now the good news is that you can definitely improve on this stage and it is simple to master the level. With a regular diet, exercise, a good healthy lifestyle, positive thinking, you have a win-win situation.
Stage 2:
Social Value
Now the next stage is the Social value. Your social value today is very important not only for your social life and business but also for your relationships.
Social values can be of two types. One is superficial social value and the other is a deeper sense of social value.
There are many times we find people to be around us or tries to hang out with us for some purpose. It could be popularity, fame, getting some good business, job, sex, date, and many other wrong reasons. That’s is why it is called superficial social value as the purpose is very shallow and short.
So what is the deeper social value?
Deeper social value means a social value that is long-lasting and enduring. A value that is not limited to fulfill short-term needs and purpose. Something beyond your flesh and skin. It is the genuine and fair desire to stay connected with people out of true intention and desire.
Believe in yourself |
The other concept of deeper social value is to holding yourself with head high just like a celebrity. This should not be confused with being proud. It means having self-confidence and respect. It means to actually know who you are and to give value to others as well. It also means to add positive value to others. You need to be a giver before you plan to take something from any relationship. All these positive traits should be evident in your body language in order to project yourself as a high-value woman.
Stage 3:
Spiritual Value or Level
This is the third and final stage of high-value. If you can master this level, you are sure to win. When I say spiritual value I do not mean sitting in seclusion and meditating alone.
Spiritual value means the ability to come out of yourself and step into his world. It means to be able to connect with your man and relate to him as a partner. It has more to do with us rather than mine or yours.
Real spiritual value is being connected with your partner |
Being spiritual means to be conscious of oneself and God. It means to know your inner self and being able to control your instincts and desires. When you are strong spiritually you end up overlooking petty mistakes of others. You become more forgiving and respectful. You tend to give in more as opposed to giving up.
To be spiritual also means to accept yourself as you are and be confident about it. If only you could love yourself first you can love others.
The strength that you get from inside is what you are shows the radiance outside. Your spirituality and your strength would out win your man and he would hopelessly and helplessly fall for you. It is because every man adores a strong woman. Being strong means strong from inside.
Does that make sense?
I am eager to hear from you. I would love your feedback to know if I could be beneficial to you so that I might come up with more helpful stuff for you.
Keep loving & keep sharing,
Happy Parenting!
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